When we were in school, advancing through subjects, we often had questions of relevance of the content we studied in certain subjects to our future careers. This link is not always obvious. In episode one of The Insurance Apprentice 2020 the contestants had the opportunity to influence grade 11 learners...
Watch Episode2021
Season 6
Season 6 of The Insurance Apprentice was a captivating and intense journey that showcased the talent and determination of young professionals in the insurance industry. With Simon Colman as the head judge and Nox Dlamini as a co-judge, the season featured ten ambitious contestants who faced a series of challenging tasks and scenarios. From presenting innovative insurance solutions to negotiating complex claims, the contestants demonstrated their expertise and ability to navigate the industry. Throughout the season, viewers witnessed the growth and development of the contestants as they received mentorship from industry experts and gained valuable insights into the insurance world.
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Season 6 – Episode 2 – Debating the issue (Sponsored by Aon)
Episode two sees a hot debate with some heated audience engagement as the contestants are tasked with presenting their argument in favour of, or against, the motion of the topic ‘increasing the retirement age is good for the sustainability of the insurance industry’.
Watch EpisodeSeason 6 – Episode 3 – Cyber risk management (Sponsored by Innovation Group)
The industry has shown that it is resilient, future thinking and ready to take on change. But the industry may face its biggest change yet, and it is not legislative, it’s generational. In the third episode the contestants are assigned with task three, based on improving product profitability and market...
Watch EpisodeSeason 6 – Episode 4 – Company relevance (Sponsored by Sasria)
In the fourth episode the contestants had to conduct a social risk assessment. Socio-economic reasons, driven by the current political climate, lead to violent protests as well as the destruction of property. The contestants were tasked with conducting research about De Doorns in the Western Cape and Alexandra township in...
Watch EpisodeSeason 6 – Episode 5 – Environmental risks (Sponsored by Marsh Africa)
In the fifth episode the contestants were tasked to perform a comprehensive environmental risk assessment regarding the company’s environmental exposures at its four sites. They had to present to the Board but then a massive crisis hit the company which everyone was not equally prepared for. Read more about the...
Watch EpisodeSeason 6 – Episode 6 – Risk survey report (Sponsored by Emerald Africa)
Task six sees the Apprentices put out some serious fires as they delve into a firewalk and demonstration at the Fire Protection Association of Southern Africa (FPASA). They were tasked to read through a risk survey report provided by Emerald Africa, assess the risk and the adverse risk exposures stated...
Watch EpisodeSeason 6 – Episode 7 – Debarment issues (Sponsored by the FSCA)
• The FSCA received a complaint from a customer that ‘Insurance Apprentice Brokers’ have contravened the binder, outsourcing commission regulations as well as the Policyholder Protection Rules (PPRs). Notified of the intention of the Conduct Authority to issue a debarment order, the key individual (apprentice) is required to attend a...
Watch EpisodeSeason 6 – Episode 8 – This Final episode is co-sponsored by Chubb and Elite Risk Acceptances
We were supposed to announce the winner on 24 March 2020, but Covid19 forced us to postpone the event. After an extended Lockdown and all indications that we will not able to get all...
Watch EpisodeSpoiler Alert
The Winner of Season 6 is revealed below - only keep scrolling if you are fine with spoilers
Meet the Winner of Season 6
Amogelang Kgaladi
Q: What is the biggest lesson you take away from the competition?
A: The ability to interact and learn from such an amazing group of individuals, each one being so unique in their own right. The diversity in thought and approach will be something I take with me for a long time because we need to realise that there is no one approach to solving problems and hence putting our heads together will hopefully deliver a much better solution to the challenges in society and the industry as a whole.
Q: Filming week… is at as tough as it looks?
A: It was extremely tough, a rollercoaster of a ride with so many ups and downs, laughs, tears and uncertainty about what the next task would be or who was going home. However, in hindsight the relationships and bonds formed, make it all so worth it.
Q: What kept you going?
A: The ability to reflect and understand that the feedback obtained is only to make one better and not a reflection of who I am as an individual. I therefore used any source of difficulty as motivation to come back stronger and prove to myself that I can actually do it. I compete against myself and if I have become a better version of who I was when coming into anything, I am then happy and it is that self-actualisation that allowed me to keep calm and take each day as it arose.