Season 4, Episode 7
sponsored by the FSB
Task seven #Whatconstitutesapermissibleinducement?
The task, sponsored by the FSB (Financial Services Board), was to look at the legislative prohibition on inducements as set out in section 44 of the Short-term Insurance Act, 53 of 1998 (STIA) and section 45 of the Long-term Insurance Act, 52 of 1998 (LTIA). The apprentices were given two weeks to complete the task, and the judges pulled no punches when they revealed that this would make or break their chances of being the next Insurance Apprentice. This was an individual task for the remaining contestants and they would have a tough time making a good impression on Caroline da Silva, Deputy Executive Officer of the FSB.
The task at hand:
They had to look at some inducement practices in the industry – and there are many – and view them from the perspective of the principles set out in the articles and material handed to them, and then determine if there are other principles that the Registrar should consider when it comes to inducements in terms of delivering good outcomes for customers. For example, does the inducement distract the customer from fully applying her mind to the actual insurance product – or does the inducement encourage the policyholder to act in such a way that their benefits in terms of the policy are reduced, for example, do not claim even if you have a valid claim.
Put simply, the apprentices had to describe the inducement in a de-identified way and why they think it does or does not amount to an inducement, and whether in their views it would support or impede fair outcomes to customers. Most importantly, they had to make some recommendation as to any additional principles of their own that they thought the Registrar could consider when looking at inducements.
Did the apprentice nail this task? Hear the verdict and what Judge Simon had to say in episode seven.